Setting the Tone for Catered Events

caterers setting the right toneCatering companies have a big job to take on. They are hired to prepare food for many people at one time. Everything must taste great and be warm or cold, as expected, but it also goes much deeper than the food. They must also ensure that it is set up properly, with the right atmosphere. Setting the tone for catered events entails a lot more than most people realize.

Presentation Matters

adding lights to set moodFood, in itself is great to see spread out on a table, but at a catered event, most people expect more. They want the table to enhance the mood of the event being held. For instance, a wedding reception table should be set up with not only an appetizing array of foods, but a center piece, and napkins or flowers in colors that will complement the bride’s choice in colors. At other events, there may not be any flowers, but there are still things that should be considered by the catering company. By considering everything, the table will reflect that mood or ambiance that is created by the event as a whole.

Setting the Right Tone

food table lightingAt an event, there are typically lighting considerations for you to plan out. The catering company must also consider lighting when placing the table. They should be set up in an area that has ample lighting so that guests can be delighted by the colors of the food. It will ensure that guests can see the food that is spread out before them and the colors of it so they will want to sample everything on the table. At most events, there is also a loudspeaker so that guests can hear music or speeches that are given. The catering company does not want to set up near a blaring speaker, which often means that they are near the back of a room. In large rooms or at outdoor events, this could mean that those who are getting food and eating will not be able to hear what is being said or played. For that reason, many catering companies carry Sonos outdoor wireless speakers that can be set up near the table. These speakers enable them to keep the sounds turned down enough to not interrupt those who are eating, but loud enough that they can still feel as though they are part of the event.

Bringing Everything Together

Catering companies provide food for all types of events and in a variety of areas. There is no one set up that is ideal for every event because all are different in their own way. Even two business meetings will be completely different because they may be in different places, have different head counts, and more. A caterer must be able to think on their feet to bring everything together at once. This includes creating an atmosphere that is relaxing enough to enjoy a meal but has the right tone for the event that is being held away from the food table. This is why many people hire a caterer to prepare the foods and to help them in planning an event.
